Hola! I guess I'll just post some of my sketches.
The first character's name is Caeden and I don't really like this drawing of him because I think I made him a bit bulkier than I usually do if that makes any sense. I think I'll be using him as the male character in my duel and his sort of love-hate interest (Violetta -name might change) as the female. He has a kind of calm, seemingly careless nature about him.
The second character doesn't have a name yet, so I just refer to him as elf-guy. He's a minor character in a series I've been pondering for a few months now and I'm really starting to love the idea of it. Any suggestions for a name would be super special awesome. As far as his personality, he's kind of laid-back, but at the same time he can be rather nosey and it's not hard for people to find him annoying. That's kind of a really basic description, but he's a work in progress.
Also, I know my drawing style is a kind of a simple... pointy-like one, but I'm kind of still trying to find what my style is. I think my work kind of reflects my major influences (Teen Titans, random manga I've read, Disney).
Any comments, suggestions or such would be greatly appreciated!