Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Happy Wednesday!

So... these are some characters I've had in the making since, like, my freshmen year in high school. They're from this other series I've titled "Between Worlds." -it's a kind of super heroish story with angel-like and demon-like backgrounds and such in the mix.
For years, this characters were just called sd and mk (kind of an inside joke between a friend and me).
The one in blue is named Sara Doe and the other is Madison Keer.
Their superhero names are still in development, but Sara's might be something like Silver.... or relating to that somehow.
The drawing style I used for these is a kind of simplified, quick sketch sort of thing I do from time to time and sometimes it ends up being my best work, or at least I think so.
I used faber castell pens and colored pencils to color.
I wish I were rich so I could afford copic markers. :(
Anyways, I've also sent out emails about consignment to some of the people from the list I got last week. Waiting on responses.
Hope everything's been well for the rest of you! :3

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Duel Final Piece

I think I uploaded them in the wrong order or something, but there's page numbers on the bottom. I had pages 13-16.
I present my duel: Pirate vs Ninja!
Starring Ninja-san and Yargy Blarg!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

New Style?

I really wanted to do something with a ball-point pen because I really like the flow of the ink. I had been working in photoshop, but I feel like I have more control with traditional means.

I kind of want to ink/color like this for my duel project. It'd be touched up in photoshop. I'm not sure if I would ad the text in there or not, but I probably would.

And yeah, there's a few things off in this drawing, but it was a quick little thing more to show off the style I want to try.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Yargy and Ninja-San

Just a few practice pictures of my characters for the duel I drew a while back. My scanner was being somewhat cooperative today so I got in some poses I did based off one of the books Chris had in class. The other picture is just expression practice for Yargy Blarg!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Yargy Blarg

I've been rethinking my idea for the duel lately and decided the other day I wanted to do a comical pirate vs ninja sort of deal.
I signed up to have the female win, and since I'm more of a ninja-supporter, it's going to be a female ninja and male pirate.
I think I want to set it in a supermarket. Like, they're both shopping, spot each other, and have some epic battle.

Something's wrong with my scanner so I can't post anything right now.

I have an hp photosmart and I want to preview the area scanned before it... you know, does an official scan. I used to be able to do this easily with my Lexmark. Am I just doing something wrong? Or does it not have a feature where you can select the area to scan?

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Sketchin' Away

Hola! I guess I'll just post some of my sketches.
The first character's name is Caeden and I don't really like this drawing of him because I think I made him a bit bulkier than I usually do if that makes any sense. I think I'll be using him as the male character in my duel and his sort of love-hate interest (Violetta -name might change) as the female. He has a kind of calm, seemingly careless nature about him.
The second character doesn't have a name yet, so I just refer to him as elf-guy. He's a minor character in a series I've been pondering for a few months now and I'm really starting to love the idea of it. Any suggestions for a name would be super special awesome. As far as his personality, he's kind of laid-back, but at the same time he can be rather nosey and it's not hard for people to find him annoying. That's kind of a really basic description, but he's a work in progress.
Also, I know my drawing style is a kind of a simple... pointy-like one, but I'm kind of still trying to find what my style is. I think my work kind of reflects my major influences (Teen Titans, random manga I've read, Disney).
Any comments, suggestions or such would be greatly appreciated!